Ontario Black Midwifery Student Fundraiser — Special Edition Weigh Slings

And, We’ve finally made it through spring!

Things are heavy these days. And as Mr Rogers says, when things are rough, look for the helpers. Midwives have had an important place in the lives of our family, and those of many of the people we support through our business.
We’ve been sewing some special slings, with 100% of the purchase price going towards this important cause — not only for our usual donation to  MSF, but also to support the Ontario Black Midwifery Student fund, organized by the BIPOC Midwifery Collective.

Access to education is never a simple meritocracy — it is always a function of class, race and income, of geography and just plain luck. Hopefully these small gestures will allow us to be one of the helpers. And we can look forward to a time when funds like this aren’t needed.

If you’re a midwife, buy one for yourself.  If you’re a friend or family to a student midwife, buy one for them.  If you just want to support a midwife, pay it forward, and we’ll donate it to a midwifery group in the Canadian city of your choice.  We only have a limited stock of this sweet fabric, so be warned!

Also, feel free to directly support this fund if you are able:

Midwifery Weigh Slings — Wishing Tree Strength

sling hanging against cabin wall with forest in background

This is what we do to keep sane

One of the things that keeps us sane is our little sewing shed out at the back of our yard.  With a daytime view of backyard chickens, and a jungle of a vegetable, fruit and flower garden, and a nighttime view of the stars, this cozy little space is a sanctuary.

Evenings after a busy and chaotic day, spent in the simplicity of a spot lit sewing space listening to music on cassette tapes, or true crime podcasts, sewing away at midwifery slings or eco-accessories; that’s what helps the troubles and vexations of the  day slip away.

Thank you to all who support our little sanity space.  It’s an honour to be invited into your homes with your trust and support, through the purchase of our hand-made products.