Catch some special savings on midwifery weigh slings crafted from quality quilting cotton batiks! More patterns coming on line shortly, but catch the first few now!
– quality environmental alternatives and midwifery supplies
Catch some special savings on midwifery weigh slings crafted from quality quilting cotton batiks! More patterns coming on line shortly, but catch the first few now!
From time to time, we make a mistake — a over zealous brush of sissors while trimming threads, a fallen sharpie that leaves a little dot on the fabric– or, fabric turns out to have a small manufacturing or printing flaw that we didn’t notice when purchasing.
Rather than throw the entire sling out, (well, take it apart and repurpose it as “wool” or sewn into a shipping sleeve), we repair the slings and offer a deep discount, well below costs.
Check them out! perfect for spare slings, or for the super thrifty. Stock varies — check back from time to time to see what we have!
One of the things that keeps us sane is our little sewing shed out at the back of our yard. With a daytime view of backyard chickens, and a jungle of a vegetable, fruit and flower garden, and a nighttime view of the stars, this cozy little space is a sanctuary.
Evenings after a busy and chaotic day, spent in the simplicity of a spot lit sewing space listening to music on cassette tapes, or true crime podcasts, sewing away at midwifery slings or eco-accessories; that’s what helps the troubles and vexations of the day slip away.
Thank you to all who support our little sanity space. It’s an honour to be invited into your homes with your trust and support, through the purchase of our hand-made products.